Human Rights

Legal Compliance

The Comnez vendor or Vendor must always comply with the highest standards whether they are the applicable local laws and regulations or industry standards or Comnez Code of Conduct specific requirements.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Comnez Vendors must respect the workers’ right to join organizations of their own choice.

Prohibition of Discrimination

The Comnez Vendor shall not discriminate against workers on the basis of race, religion, beliefs, gender, marital or maternal status, age, political affiliation, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or other basis not directly impacting on a workers individual skills and ability to perform the job.


Wages paid for regular working hours and overtime hours shall meet or exceed legal minimums and/or industry standards; illegal, unauthorized deductions from wages shall not be made.

Working Hours, Wages & Benefits

Comnez Vendors shall conform to applicable national laws and industry standards for working hours, compensation, benefits and overtime compensation. Workers shall not be required to work more than sixty (60) hours per week on a regular basis, including overtime. Overtime hours shall be on a voluntary basis.

Workplace and Worker Health and Safety

The Comnez Vendor shall ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to health and safety issues including classification, work place risk analysis, reporting and inspections by authorities. The required corrective actions from such inspections shall be documented and completed within the set timeframe.

Prohibition of Child Labor

Comnez does not accept child labor. Our Vendors shall not make use of child labor and shall abide by the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989) and comply with all relevant national and international laws, regulations and provisions applicable in the country of production or operation.

Prohibition of Forced and Compulsory Labor

The Comnez Vendor shall not make use of any of the forms of forced, prison, bonded or any involuntary labor. Our Vendors shall abide by and comply with all relevant national and international laws, regulations and provisions applicable in the country of production or operation.

Management Systems
Comnez Vendors shall define and implement a policy for social and human rights accountability and the appropriate management systems shall be in place to ensure that the Comnez Code of Conduct can be followed and is being followed. All Vendor employees shall have access to this Code of Conduct.