Meeting Guidelines

Verbal/face to face meetings  provides the platform to create that professional impression. Meetings should well structured and aimed to make best possible use of time.

  1. The VENDOR must clearly lay down the meeting agendas and outputs before a meeting.
  2. During discussion, the VENDOR must choose clear, relatable and concise words for discussion.
  3. The VENDOR’s tone of voice should be warm and cordial.
  4. The VENDOR must not be over friendly neither argumentative with CLIENT during meetings.
  5. The VENDOR must emphasize the key discussion topics in a repeatable fashion to prevent confusion after meeting.
  6. The VENDOR must clarify and confirm the various series of client-vendor expectations beforehand.
  7. The VENDOR must be open to feedback from the CLIENT during meetings and prepare a checklist of unmet expectations/issues related to project.
  8. After the meeting the VENDOR must prepare the meeting minutes and email it to all the involved participants by the end of business day.
  9. Based on CLIENT communication and direction, the VENDOR must necessarily conduct meetings with the CLIENT on a weekly, quarterly, semi annual basis – based on project engagement period.