Test Plans

  1. The VENDOR has to ensure that testing begins as early as development and is carried hand in hand with development.
  2. The VENDOR has to involve the test engineer early in the development process.
  3. The VENDOR should ensure that once testing begins, the developers must create the test data, enter it into the system and write the test plan.
  4. The VENDOR must use QUICK FPA for estimation of testing effort along with development effort calculation.
  5. The VENDOR should develop a test plan by using estimated number of test cases for test management system.
  6. The VENDOR
  7. THE VENDOR should know and be certain about the timing at which the test plans will be created during the development process.
  8. THE VENDOR must share the test plan (test cases) with the CLIENT regularly for review.
  9. Following test strategy should be crafted by the VENDOR and get approved by the CLIENT –
    1. Who is responsible for quality testing?
    2. At what point in the development will the build be tested?
    3. When the test data needs to created and who is responsible for creating it?
    4. What are the testing types and what testing tools are to be used?
    5. Who will be responsible for unit testing?
    6. When can be the product be open to automated testing during the product life cycle?
  10. The VENDOR’s testing team must perform functional and validation testing to check for consistency with variable data inputs e.g. (checking validation of form with different data sets) – The form must run smoothly for all variations in data inputs.
  11. The VENDOR must do testing for format, special characters and all types of scenarios.
  12. The VENDOR must define the tools that would be used for automated, performance and integration testing to the CLIENT beforehand.
  13. In case of any scope change, the VENDOR must update the test plan and inform the CLIENT of the same.
  14. The VENDOR must always take the Quality testing estimate into consideration while developing/changing the Product Road Map.
  15. The VENDOR must use a checklist /testing document to keep a check/trace & prevent a new bug creation every time an old bug gets reported and rectified by the CLIENT.